• Multilevel Healing
    Multilevel Healing Embracing All Dimensions of Well-Being by Linda Sechrist The stories of patients that have experienced healing from chronic illnesses or reclaimed well-being without following conventional medical advice piqued the curiosity of Read more
  • Germs Can Be Helpful
    Germs Can Be Helpful Research from Professor Linda Harrison of Charles Sturt University, in Australia, reveals that children that are exposed to other children in a daycare or school environment at Read more
  • Natural Immune Boosters for Kids
    Natural Immune Boosters for Kids How to Power Up Their Defenses by Marlaina Donato Strong immunity is a cornerstone of optimum health, and may be weakened or enhanced by what we eat and Read more
  • How to Start Conserving Water Today
    How to Start Conserving Water Today According to the Alliance for Water Efficiency, if every American cut their water use by 25 percent, the nation would save 2.8 trillion gallons in Read more
  • Waste No Water
    Waste No Water Communities Get Creative in Urging Conservation by April Thompson As freshwater becomes increasingly scarce worldwide, communities are coming together to find creative solutions to conserve it. According to the U.S. Read more
  • True Happy Meals
    True Happy Meals When there’s a little time and energy, use these ideas to connect. Start by smiling upon seeing the kids. Throw together an impromptu picnic and eat on the living room Read more
  • Heart-Strong Parenting
    Heart-Strong Parenting by Deborah Shouse Incorporating love throughout the day keeps a child’s tank full. Consider these tips from love languages expert Gary Chapman. Physical Touch – Get Close      Greet the child with Read more
  • Simplicity Parenting
    Simplicity Parenting Why Less Means More Happiness by Deborah Shouse Parents wishing to simplify child-raising seek less stress and more fun; less scheduling and more casual time; less “shoulds” and more “want tos”; Read more
  • Mindful Benefits of Swimming
    Mindful Benefits of Swimming According to studies by neuroscientist Sara Lazar, Ph.D., at Harvard Medical School, being mindful can affect stronger neural connections in the brain, effecting better breath control, improved Read more


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