• Corporate Programs Boost Health and Bottom Line
    Corporate Programs Boost Health and Bottom Line Corporate wellness programs are linked to a 25 percent reduction in absenteeism and sick leave, 25 percent reduction in health costs and 32 percent Read more
  • City Greenery Boosts Public Health
    City Greenery Boosts Public Health Urban trees reduce obesity and depression, improve productivity, boost educational outcomes and reduce incidence of asthma and heart disease for residents, yet according to The Nature Read more
  • Secrets to Better Furniture
    Secrets to Better Furniture A new year can prompt us to refresh the look and feel of our home. Eco-minded individuals may wish to spruce up a treasured piece of Read more
  • Eight Ways to Banish Stress
    Eight Ways to Banish Stress by Lisa Marshall We can take charge and do even more things to keep stress at bay in the first place, says Christine Carter, Ph.D., a University Read more
  • Dial Down Stress
    Dial Down Stress How to Stay Calm and Cool by Lisa Marshall Whether from natural disasters, divisive politics, unmanageable workloads or a smartphone culture that makes it tough to unplug, U.S. adults are Read more
  • Breathwalking Adds Benefits
    Breathwalking Adds Benefits This kundalini yoga breathing technique, when combined with a brisk walking program, changes the basic rhythms of the body, even at cellular levels, according to the Kundalini Research Read more
  • Keep Moving to Stay Fit
    10,000 Steps and Counting Keep Moving to Stay Fit by Kathleen Barnes We have become a nation of couch potatoes. The average American takes only 5,900 steps a day, somewhat better than the Read more
  • Eat Wheat Again
    Eat Wheat Again Eight Ways to Restore Gut Health by John Douillard New York University Langone Medical Center recently reported that 74 percent of Americans experience some form of digestive distress, a quarter Read more
  • IGNITE YOUR LIFE: “Enjoy life.” by Sarah Gish
    IGNITE YOUR LIFE: “Enjoy life.”    by Sarah Gish “Enjoy life” is the twelfth way to ignite your life in my “IGNITE YOUR LIFE!” art project and community campaign (www.IgniteYourOwnLife.com) and the Read more


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  • "Patient Testimonials: Coming Soon."