• Cook-It-Yourself Ethnic Recipes
    Cook-It-Yourself Ethnic Recipes Smoky Yellow Split Peas (Tamatar Chana Dal) This vegan and gluten-free recipe traces its roots to Southeast India, where roasting spices to yield nutty-hot flavors create a layered experience. Yield: Read more
  • The World’s Healthiest Cuisines
    The World’s Healthiest Cuisines What Five Countries Can Teach Us about Good Eating by Judith Fertig Americans love to explore ethnic cuisines and then put their own “more is better” spin on them, Read more
  • Spice Up Healthy Cooking
    Spice Up Healthy Cooking Six Seasonings with Surprising Payoffs by Amber Lanier Nagle Spices add a punch of extra flavor to our favorite dishes, but they also possess proven health and wellness properties. Read more
  • Take Care of Yourself Before It’s Too Late
    Take Care of Yourself Before It’s Too Late   by Sarah Gish We all know it’s important to take care of ourselves – science tells us, our teachers tell us, our friends and Read more
  • A Coach's Guide to Keeping New Year's Resolutions
    How About That New Year’s Resolution? A Coach's Guide to Keeping New Year's Resolutions How have you kicked off the New Year? Did you set a resolution or two for yourself? By Read more
  • Post Title
    18 Ozone Sauna Health Benefits DECEMBER 7, 2017 You must be familiar with the term “Ozone Sauna” if you are a skin health conscious? However, if this is a new term and you are Read more
  • Do-Good Dogs Do Almost Anything
    Do-Good Dogs Do Almost Anything Service Dogs Train to Help People in Need by Sandra Murphy Service dogs help an aging population live full lives in spite of limitations, no matter the size, Read more
  • Self-Love
    Self-Love by Charlie Chaplin As I began to love myself, I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this Read more
  • What’s Your Meditation Style?
    What’s Your Meditation Style? Find the Right Practice for You by April Thompson More Americans than ever before are seeking the benefits of meditation, which notably improves mental, physical and spiritual health. Choosing Read more


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