• New Label Verifies Carbon Neutral Product
    New Label Verifies Carbon Neutral Product A new Climate Neutral product label is joining others like  Fair Trade, 100% Organic and Made in America, and is closing in on a Kickstarter (Tinyurl.com/CarbonNeutralKickstarter) Read more
  • Thump Thump- Trees Exhibit ‘Heartbeat’
    Thump Thump- Trees Exhibit ‘Heartbeat’ Scientists have discovered that some trees raise and lower their branches several times in the course of the night, indicating a cycle of water and sugar transportation, Read more
  • Seal Deal- Fishermen Protect Endangered Sea Mammals
    Seal Deal Fishermen Protect Endangered Sea Mammals In 1969, there were only 100 South American fur seals and sea lions along the coastline of Lima, the capital of Peru, but that has Read more
  • Vital Steps- The Key to Vascular Fitness
    Vital Steps The Key to Vascular Fitness by Marlaina Donato It is well-known that exercise combats cardiovascular disease by balancing blood pressure and managing blood sugar, but aerobic exercise, not resistance training, takes the Read more
  • Bill Moyers on Covering Climate Now
    Bill Moyers on Covering Climate Now by Julie Marshall Bill Moyers, an American icon of broadcast journalism, continues to inspire generations through his political commentary, documentaries, and award-winning books, including the landmark Read more
  • Clean and Green- Eco-Laundry Tips
    Clean and Green- Eco-Laundry Tips By laundering clothes using simple ingredients and wise eco-practices, consumers can both save money and lower their carbon footprint. Natural cleaning ingredients cited by TheEcoGuide.org include white vinegar, Read more
  • When Older Pets Get Quirky
    When Older Pets Get Quirky Dealing With Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome by Julie Peterson As dogs and cats get older, they may slow down or have other physical issues. Some experience cognitive decline which Read more
  • Tidying Up That Bucket List
    Tidying Up That Bucket List Deciding What We Really Want by Carl Greer Many people have a bucket list of things they want to make sure they experience in this life. Tidying up Read more
  • Natural Healing for Hands
    Natural Healing for Hands Getting a Grip on Pain by Marlaina Donato Most of us take our hands for granted until buttoning a shirt or opening a jar becomes a daunting task. Getting Read more


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