PM Kratom by Color


Kratom by Color

by John Vastola

As Kratom becomes more popular as an herbal supplement and new buyers enter the marketplace the confusion grows on which strain is right for you.  We hope to clear some of the confusion by breaking down kratom by color and the effects attributed to each color, in this article. 

Green vein, the most popular of kratom strains, has been renowned by the natives of South East Asia for having a strong physical drive accompanied by mood lift and soothing undertones.  Anecdotal reports in the west suggest that green veins not only give you physical energy but aid in mental focus, mood lift and the easing of pain and inflammation. The differentials amongst the various green strains are produce by the drying technique, blend and region from which the plant is harvested. The most noticeable variation in effects are the amount and intensity of energy per strain.  In western culture this would be described as “fast” to “slow”.  If you are sensitive to stimulants be sure to ask you vendor for a “slow” green strain.

Red veins are produced from a prolonged drying technique which bolsters the leaves alkaloids, producing a slower, heavier, soothing effect.  Traditionally, the natives of South East Asia would utilize the red veins to sooth aches, pains and restlessness. Anecdotal reports in the west support these claims touting that Red strains provide the most amount of painkilling and are generally sedating or neutral in energy. Though some red vein blends can awaken the mind and even the body, they are historically known as a nighttime strain.  Be sure to check with your vendor if the red strain you're are interested in produces any energetic effect if you plan to take it before bed.

White Veins are specially dried by the natives of South East Asia to produce a uniquely strong, mentally energetic effect, with pronounced focus coupled with anti-anxiety qualities with moderately soothing undertones. Ancedotal would take smaller amounts at one time to keep from over stimulation but would utilize the white veins more often throughout the day due to the fact that White veins have the shortest duration.  When buying white veins ask you r vendor how “fast” the particular strain you are interested in.

Yellow strains are becoming more and more popular in the kratom market.  These are usually blends and the can produce varying effects.  Traditionally, Yellows are calmer in effect than a white or a green but still have some mental stimulation and grounded focus with a noticeable soothing undertone.  Yellows can be a good day time pick for those looking for relief from pain but their body does not tolerate overstimulation. 

 Gold blends are usually a mix of the strongest reds pared with a green or white.  If you have an experienced blend master the synergy of these strains when combined can be greater than the sum 

John Vastola is the owner of Kreat Day Botanicals, located at 1973 W. Gray St., Ste.23, in Houston. For more information, call 713-369-0946 or visit


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