Life in the Foreground By Lin Weiss

Life in the Foreground

Present Moment Awareness,

A Choice For Self-Liberation

By Lin Weiss, MH

In the 1970’s and 80’s, life in the fast lane was a popular response to one’s commentary about the busyness of day-to-day life.  LOL!  I laugh out loud when I think of our current pace relative to those days.  We are in such a hurry we create acronyms for common phrases that are quickly making their way into unabridged dictionaries, online. Technology speeds ahead with new revelations in each moment.  Information of current events on the other side of the planet is immediately dispatched to us via internet, iPhones, iPads, iPods and satellite news options on television and our car radios.  It is difficult to find a dining establishment without a television flashing the latest sensational news through live video streams, and just in case that is not enough, trailers of concurrent dramas scroll across the bottom of the screen.  Why are we so addicted to the information highway?

I have a lot of questions regarding the epic speed at which information now travels.  Are we more time-efficient because of it?  Do we have more time for our loved ones?  For peace and tranquility?  Are we more secure about our lives and our futures? Does this information breed contentment or paralyzing fear (False Evidence Appearing Real)?

As I seek refuge in my personal practices of meditation and yoga, I am very aware of the contrast of chaos and peace that coexist at my whim.  I become aware that what I choose to focus on becomes the immediate reality of my life.  When I intentionally connect to the beauty of nature, what is growing and alive, my emotions, my relationships, my hopes and my livelihood all reflect a quality of aliveness and vitality.  Conversely when I watch random streams of tragic news over the dinner table, I become agitated, fearful and do not digest the goodness of my food or my life.  This agitated state affects those around me, my ability to sleep well and make good choices.  It is, however, a choice.  Where I will dine, what I will eat and whom I will dine with is all within my personal power to choose.  Moment by moment I am creating my experience of reality.  The question is:  Am I willing to, consciously, create a peaceful and nurturing environment for myself?  I am.

It can be challenging to create a sacred space for myself each day. If I am contemplating busyness/lack of time, or giving my thoughts to corporate mandates, government control, healthcare regulations or Armageddon, it is difficult to be happy, peaceful and content with my life.  No wonder millions of Americans seek refuge in anti-depressant drugs, which serve to further stupefy and weaken our compromised perspectives of health, joy and abundance.  But the television says they cure depression.  What about the disclaimers at the end of the ads?  In some cases suicide and fatality?  Is this an acceptable chance we are willing to take with our beautiful lives? Are we listening?  Is there some epidemic, hypnotic denial of personal power in this media milieu of mediocrity?  How can this be ok?

Believe nothing, No matter where you read it,

Not even if I have said it,

Unless it agrees with your own reason

And your own common sense.

-The Buddha

As I choose to really work at living in the present moment I notice some distinct benefits.  I feel the power of my own breath enlivening every cell of my body.  I look forward to my life, even doing the dishes or laundry.  There is a gratitude for my life that arises from noticing what is wonderful, good and sound in this present moment.  A warm summer breeze kisses my skin, leaves rustle in the breeze and the hum of cicadas lulls me with a comforting familiarity reminiscent of carefree childhood days.  Sure all the other stuff is still going on as the world turns.  There has always been strife and struggle.  It is empowering however to consider that the Armageddon is of the mind.  I have the power to choose my own reality.  And, in this moment… I am willing.

There are no Truths…

Just our interpretation of the world.

-Friedrich Neitche

Lin Weiss, MH, is a Mind-Body Practitioner in private practice in Houston, TX.  She is an experienced and educated Life Coach, Spiritual Guide and Holistic Healer specializing in Bio-Energetic Balance; Brain Balancing; Cognitive Reframing; Homeopathy; Nutrition Therapy; Vibrational Healing; and Yoga Therapy. Educating groups and individuals in the healing power of the  mind/body connection.   713.858.8595


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