What can a Life Coach do for you?

What can a Life Coach do for you?

As Hurricane Harvey ripped through our beautiful city, many of us watched in devastation as we lost everything we owned. Others of us were luckier. We all witnessed in heartbreak the loss of so many properties of our neighbors, friends, relatives, and fellow Houstonians. This was so hard. Hurricane Harvey was a life altering event for everyone in this city. In the aftermath, many are grappling with how to make sense of all this.

This disaster may have shaken up some deeper questions for you, such as… Why me? What if that was me? Why is this happening? Is there more to life than this? All of these things we’ve accumulated, cherished, and utilized over time are covered in water. What is left after this? Where do I begin again? Wondering about these deeper questions is natural. Humans have a tendency to seek for deeper meaning as life goes along its merry path and the unexpected throws a wrench in our plans.

This brings to mind the value of working with a life coach. People don’t often walk around saying, “I need to find a life coach.” This is something that is rather elusive unless you know a friend or family member who has worked with one and made big strides in their life. However, when you know that a life coach is available to you, then the possibilities are endless. At this point you may be asking, “What exactly is a Life Coach?”

Great question.

I am a professional Life Coach. A life coach supports clients in examining their lives, looking deeper behind the natural wants and needs of everyday life, questions what it is you really want, and supports you in getting from your current island to your dream island. Your heart is your compass in life. Which direction is it pointing? Do you believe this dream can actually happen for you? You better believe it - it is for you. You wouldn’t dream it or envision it in your mind’s eye if it weren’t possible.

If you are looking for more in life such as meaning in your work, fulfilling relationships, deeper connection to a higher purpose, happier family, wealthier financial life, spiritual guidance, or even a simpler routine with space to do what you enjoy, then a life coach is for you. If you are reading this article, this is exactly where you need to be. There are no accidents or coincidences.

You could use a life coach when…

  • You are going through a major life transition.
  • You’re stagnant and feel like life is cruising by.
  • Feel unfulfilled in your work.
  • You want more out of life - you find yourself asking, “Is this it?”
  • You want to thrive in life.
  • You want to reach big goals.
  • You want help making your dreams a reality.
  • You need someone to listen and empower you to use your own resources.
  • You desire better communication.
  • You want more money and promotions.
  • You feel lost and directionless in your life path.
  • You keep running into dead ends with jobs.
  • You desire to be more present and stop the negative chatter in your head.
  • You want to leave a job or start your own business.
  • You want to pursue a passion project.
  • You desire to be a better role model for your kids, or a better husband or wife.

Ultimately, you may ask, what is my outcome going to be? Here are some things you may experience after working with a life coach…

  • Gushing with extreme joy and elation.
  • Uncontrollable smiling.
  • Bruises from pinching yourself that this is your life now.
  • Massive excitement for your work.
  • Deeper love for yourself and your family.
  • Sense of empowerment.
  • A clear roadmap to reach your goals.
  • Confidence to take action.
  • Living life more boldly.
  • Your family and friends wondering what the heck happened (in a positive way).
  • Attracting the relationship of your dreams.
  • Skipping to the bank with more money you created.
  • And many more awesome side effects.

If you are interested in how coaching can work for you, fantastic! Let’s talk.

Send me an email at [email protected].


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  • "Patient Testimonials: Coming Soon."