Welcome to Natural Awakenings

Houston's only lifestyle of sustainability and health publication.


Letter from the Publishers


Summer’s here, and with it comes the warm weather we’ve been looking forward to. We’re so lucky to have had those rains earlier this year—they’ve given us a bounty of fresh, local organic food to enjoy. Eating seasonally is not only healthy but also ties in perfectly with Ayurveda, keeping us balanced and feeling great.

Now’s the time to dive into all the delicious fruits and veggies that are in season. These fresh foods are amazing for our skin, giving us that summer glow we all love. 

Summer’s also ideal for hitting the water and having some fun. Whether it’s swimming, water aerobics, paddleboarding, or kayaking, there’s no shortage of cool activities to keep us active and refreshed. It’s a great way to enjoy the sun and stay fit at the same time.

So, let’s make the most of this sunny season by eating well and getting out there for some water adventures. Here’s to a healthy, happy summer filled with good food and great times!

Bright Blessings,

Cindy & Mike Hart



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Preparing for the 2024 Hurricane Season

by Pete Duncanson

Hurricane season begins soon, and this year, meteorologists and weather experts are forecasting another memorable season. This hurricane season is forecasted to be extremely active. With the potential for 30 named storms, the 2024 hurricane season would be the most active of all time.


Ayurvedic Seasonal Eating

by Carrie Jackson

Each season brings a unique bounty of fresh food to sustain and nourish us. A ripe tomato off the vine in the summer or a hearty winter squash stew highlights what the Earth naturally offers. Seasonal eating is a rhythmic approach that is more sustainable than relying on grocery-store staples and connects us to the world around us. Combining seasonal eating with the Ayurvedic concept of balancing our doshas helps to maintain harmony with nature. It also helps support local farmers, reduce carbon emissions, maximize the food’s nutritional value and nourish holistically.


Nourish Skin From Within

by Maya Whitman

Our skin is the largest human organ. In addition to protecting us from ultraviolet radiation, bacterial invaders and chemicals, it also provides a visual record of the human story, as it is vulnerable to emotional stress, hormonal rhythms and poor diet. While more research is needed, there is growing evidence that food can be an ally for resolving stubborn acne, preventing certain types of skin cancer and aging gracefully. According to a clinical review published in the journal Medicina, nutrients like vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, may be beneficial for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.


Summer Splash

by Megy Karydes

Whenever we’re swimming or participating in other water-based activities, all of our senses are engaged and exhilarated. Aquatic sports can help us stay fit, strong and cool during the hot summer months. Here are a few recommendations to remain safe and reap all of the splashy benefits.

dna vibe

Want Less Stress, Better Sleep, 
and Improved Health & Wellness?

by Perry Kamel

Researchers from California-based Medical Health and Fitness and the University of Michigan Department of Kinesiology have found promising results using breakthrough patented technology from DNA Vibe.

DNA Vibe, a Colorado-based manufacturer, has developed an award-winning technology that helps prevent injuries while improving and accelerating recovery. For over five years, clinical professionals have reported exceptional results for issues ranging from sore backs, necks, knees, elbows, ankles, hands, and feet. This technology has been embraced by professional and Olympic athletes as well as thousands of everyday people looking to live happier, healthier, and more active lives.


Celebrating UnseenMilestones

by Marlaina Donato

By the time we see our backyard gardens explode with abundance or notice a hillside’s vibrant palette of summer, stealthy forces beneath the surface have been at work for many months. Like nature subtly turning the page to another season or the decaying, secret magic of mycelium networks underground, human milestones are not always obvious. The job promotion, dream vacation or new car promptly gets posted to social media, but emotional and spiritual progress deep within our recesses is not usually announced or even capable of being articulated. In a world that values shiny, tangible successes, the stuff that matters to us most gets lost like rare wildflowers in the underbrush.

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Michael Hart
Houston | Natural Awakenings Houston | 713-927-6540

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  • "Patient Testimonials: Coming Soon."